
Load Themes

[Ctrl] + [O] to load a theme. Files with ".drt-theme" extension.

Make New Theme

[Ctrl] + [T] to bring up Theme Editor


Editor starts with all fields blank.

Click "Pull from Direttore" to load current Theme.

Make a change.

Click "Push to Direttore" to refresh app and see changes.

You can also load a Theme directly from disk.

Once you're happy with all changes, write a title for it, in "General/Title" and save it to disk.

The final file should be something like: "yourtitle.drt-theme".

Colors - Bitmaps - Numbers

Click on a field to read a little hint/help text at the bottom of the form.

There are 4 kind of fields:

  1. Color.
  2. Boolean (true/false).
  3. Number (integer or single).
  4. Bitmap.

Try not to omit any of the fields, especially bitmaps.

Logical Size & DPI

Logical size is the size that would be used if DPI was 100%. If your bitmaps are going to support all DPIs all the way up to DPI 400%, then you'll have to multiply logical size X 400% (size x4).

UI Elements & Logical Size Table

Scrollbar Button / 14x14 / You provide the Horizontal Left button. App will generate Right/Up/Down

Scrollbar Tray / 1x14 / Drawn at Width x 14 with "nearest neighbor" algorithm. You provide the Horizontal Tray. App will generate the Vertical

Scrollbar Thumb / 1x14 / Drawn at Width x 14 with "nearest neighbor" algorithm. You provide the Horizontal Thumb. App will generate the Vertical

Buttons / 22x22

Buttons Overlays / 18x18

If you have any questions please contact us.